About Detox

Will it be uncomfortable?

There is bound to be differing opinions about the change in diet but this detox is designed to be gentle and easy to follow. Remember, it is not a fast, nor is it a colon cleanse, which are very harsh on your system. You will be eating plenty of food and the shakes are pleasant tasting. You may feel a slight withdrawal in the first few days if you are giving up a lot of caffeine or a lot of sugar. Have faith, it will pass, and it will all be worth it!

Will I be in the bathroom all day?

It is very important to consume extra water while detoxifying to help flush out toxins. Therefore, most people urinate more often than usual on this program.

Will I lose weight?

This detox program is not designed to be a weight loss program. However, many people lose weight during the course of their detox program. Some of the reasons for this weight loss include: lower than usual caloric intake due to having shakes for meals, taking sugar out of the diet, decreased consumption of allergenic foods such as wheat and dairy and release of toxins from fat stores.

Will I get headaches?

Some people experience headaches during the first few days of their detox due to withdrawal from sugar and caffeine. Remember, the week prior to detox you will be decreasing intake of these substances to minimize discomfort. The detox will assist your body in cleansing out these substances as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Can I exercise?

You may exercise normally (monitor yourself, of course). Some days you may feel fatigued. On these days, you may want to limit yourself to gentle movement such as walking, stretching or yoga, etc.

Should I continue with my regular vitamins?

Your detox will contain many vitamins and other nutrients to help meet your daily requirements. You may suspend natural supplements during the detox if your health care practitioner agrees, but continue to take any medically prescribed pharmaceuticals. Ask your health care practitioner if you have any specific questions.

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